H4ck1ng G00gl3 ep001 challenge 03


H4ck1ng G00gl3 is a series of security challenges published on October 2022 where the only way to win is to think like a hacker. In this post, I explain how I solved ep001 challenge 03. This challenge is about Reverse Engineering.

Learning Journey

After opening the challenge, we see a chess website similar to the one in the ep000 ch01.

Notice that now there is no link to the admin panel. We have to find another vulnerability. I checked the website source code and found the load_baseboard function.

This function returns the contents of the “baseboard.fen” file after a POST request to load_board.php. I tried a couple of things at this point. Firstly, I tried to load a custom fen file with a winning state for me. Secondly, I tried to get the output of a file in the system with a directory traversal attack. I was not lucky. After thinking some time, I tried to get the source code of the index.php file with a POST to the load_board.php. It worked!

I have been looking at the index.php code for hours. The only interesting thing I saw was the following hint: "Winning against me won't help anymore. You need to get the flag from my envs.". Other than that, I could not find where the vulnerability was. I asked the community for a hint. They told me that unserialize is the vulnerable function. With that information, I decided to first learn about PHP serialization. This page explains how it works and how to exploit it. In our case, we need a vulnerable PHP class with the magic method __wakeup which gets executed after calling unserialize. The class named Stockfish of index.php has it.

class Stockfish
    public $cwd = "./";
    public $binary = "/usr/games/stockfish";
    public $other_options = array('bypass_shell' => 'true');
    public $descriptorspec = array(
        0 => array("pipe","r"),
        1 => array("pipe","w"),
    private $process;
    private $pipes;
    private $thinking_time;


    public function __wakeup()
        $this->process = proc_open($this->binary, $this->descriptorspec, $this->pipes,
                                   $this->cwd, null, $this->other_options) ;
        echo '<!--'.'wakeupcalled'.fgets($this->pipes[1], 4096).'-->';

In the snippet above, we can see the code that will get executed once unserialize is called. It will execute a binary. We could exploit it by passing a serialized Stockfish object with a different binary that showed us the environment variables. That is the place where the flag is supposed to be. "Winning against me won't help anymore. You need to get the flag from my envs.".

Where is the unserialize called? How should we pass the data? In the index.php, we can see that the unserialize method is called when a GET HTTP call is done to move_end.

} elseif (isset($_GET['move_end'])) {
    $movei = unserialize(base64_decode($_GET['move_end']));

We have to send the payload to https://hackerchess2-web.h4ck.ctfcompetition.com?move_end=payload.

The last step is generating the payload. We can copy the Stockfish code in our computer and change the binary variable to have the value “cat /proc/self/environ”. That will print the environment variables. Finally, we have to serialize and encode it in base64.

$stockf = new Stockfish();
echo base64_encode(serialize($stockf));

Finally, we only need to launch the HTTP request and search for the flag in the output.

With that, we completed the challenge.