H4ck1ng G00gl3 ep001 challenge 01


H4ck1ng G00gl3 is a series of security challenges published on October 2022 where the only way to win is to think like a hacker. In this post, I explain how I solved ep001 challenge 01. This challenge is about Reverse Engineering.

Learning Journey

After opening the challenge, we get a zip file. This zip file contains another compressed file that includes two files. We have the flag, even though we cannot read it yet. It is in binary. And an executable with the name wannacry.

The wannacry executable takes an encrypted file and the encryption key as arguments. We already have the encrypted file, in other words, the flag file. However, we are missing the private key. The executable must have some information about that. For that reason, I decided to extract all the strings from the executable and see if there was something interesting. To do that, we can use the “strings” command in Linux.

strings wannacry

At first, I was reading the output. It was huge, and most of the extracted strings were gibberish. This approach was not good. Then, I searched for some keywords: flag, private, public, solve, decrypt, encrypt, etc. The keyword “key” lead me to a domain.

I visited this domain and saw a list of private keys with long alphanumeric names. I did not have any hint about which of these private keys could be the one that I needed. Anyway, there were only around two hundred private keys. Therefore, we should be able to decrypt the flag file with every single private key in a small amount of time. With that strategy in mind, I downloaded all the private keys.

First, we need to obtain a list with the filenames of every private key. We can do that with the following bash line.

curl https://wannacry-keys-dot-gweb-h4ck1ng-g00gl3.uc.r.appspot.com/ \
    | awk '{split($0,a,"\""); print a[2]}' > pemfilenames

Now that we have a list of all the filenames. We can download all the private keys.

for pemfile in $(cat pemfilenames); do
    wget https://wannacry-keys-dot-gweb-h4ck1ng-g00gl3.uc.r.appspot.com/$pemfile -P pemkeys

Finally, we can decrypt the flag with every private key file.

for pem in $(ls pemkeys); do
    ./wannacry -encrypted_file flag -key_file pemkeys/$pem
done > result

Now, we can obtain the flag. We only need to get the strings from the “result” file and find the flag. We can do that with the following bash command.

strings result| grep solve

With that, we completed the challenge.